Electronic hardware recovery

What are the different types of electronic devices?

Around the world, there are several types of electronic devices. And every day that passes, new equipment is invented and put on the consumer market. In fact, these devices are grouped into several categories: the category of electrical equipment that includes televisions, adapters, CD or LCD players, cathode screens, cameras, various cables, batteries and other high-tech devices. These include computers, phones, mobile phones, printers, servers, photocopiers, projectors, mice, keyboards, computer equipment (Switch, modems, U.P.S….) and Computer Parts (hard drives, etc.). The latter are mainly ICT and office equipment.

Since the rise of scientific and technological progress, electronic devices, and high-tech (recently) have entered the daily life of man. However, even if it is delayed, their obsolescence always ends up happening. The biggest challenge with these materials is the management of their waste, which is increasing worldwide and very remarkable in Quebec. So where to throw away these electronic devices knowing that they require specific processing? Check out the answers in this article.

Why recycle electronic devices?

The management of waste from electronic devices is a serious problem for all citizens of the world. To this end, several policies and strategies are thought out and carried out on a daily basis by institutions, various organizations and small associations. Among the alternatives to control the flow of these equipment in the wild (after use) are their recovery or recycling. Recycling e-waste has advantages at various levels.

For the preservation of nature

First, e-waste recovery prevents heavy metals and harmful substances from entering the environment. This is one of the best ways to preserve the ecosystem. Before this waste is used for other purposes, compounds and hazardous elements are extracted so that they do not pollute the environment. At the same time, the health of man and other living things are not compromised.

For economic use of natural resources

Recycling this waste is a major part of the preservation of natural resources. This, insofar as to make new materials, it is enough to use these elements or these recoverable materials. As a result, there is no need to exploit new raw materials. For example, electrical wires in a television set can be used to make a new boiler. When you make the recycling option, not only do you pollute the environment less, but you fight against the overexploitation of natural resources.

To create jobs

The electronics recovery sector is an area of employment in several countries when it is well structured. Today, there are more than 5,000 local jobs created through the recycling of e-waste. Therefore, by recycling, you are offering a livelihood to others looking for a job or reintegration into the workforce.

How can electronic devices be given a second life?

When we talk about electronic waste, it goes from the smallest USB cable to the server. Statistics show that, on average, the world generates 44.7 million tonnes of waste per year. Which is of course enormous given the danger that these out-of-use equipment can constitute once abandoned in the wild. Better yet, environmental organizations and some institutions in the international community point out that to date, only 20% of this waste is in recycling channels. A disturbing picture that leads both to better look at techniques that can give new life to all electronic waste. Otherwise, the water, soil, atmosphere and all other components of the biotope would continue to be polluted. And as you can imagine, the consequences last for many years.

The urgency is therefore to turn to methods of e-waste recovery as long as electrical and electronic equipment continues to be used. There are several e-waste collection centres. Instead of turning nature into a receptacle for obsolete objects, it would be more responsible to move its electronic waste to recycling companies such as Info Liquidation Recycle. We note the presence of these places of electronic physical recovery in Montreal. In addition, the cost of recycling is available in several territories, including Quebec. Sometimes even it is free of charge (ecofrais). So we don’t have to ask ourselves how to get rid of a computer?

Apart from recycling, another strategy is possible. This is the use of reuse of equipment. A very simple example to illustrate this last resort solution: ”You want to acquire a laptop. Opt for a second-hand device.’ Another thing, get into the habit of using electronic objects for as long as possible, and have them repaired if necessary. It is a salutary measure in favour of the preservation of nature.