Computer & electronic recycling in Lachute


Did you know that we currently produce a large amount of waste? Last year, for example, 56 million tonnes of IT waste, including 12 million tonnes of its components, were identified. Given this large volume, we are running to our loss. Therefore, we must better take charge of the situation by recycling this e-waste. It is also possible to recycle most of the latter. Various actions are already being taken to limit the ecological impact of computers and other worn-out computer components.

What is computer recycling?

It is a process to reuse a computer, monitor, cell phone, video card or electronic battery that has already been used. Virtually all computer equipment is affected by this recycling. Following some research conducted on e-waste, new products on the market are taking over old machines. This is what drives their owners to throw them in the trash. True, this is a normal process, but these unwanted materials harm our planet.

Most computer waste is disposed of in conventional garbage cans and thus mixed with household waste. Unlike the latter, these abandoned materials are composed of elements harmful to humans and the environment. That is why it is advisable to put them aside in a trash can intended for them. It is then that computer recycling comes into play.

The recycling of used computer equipment consists in giving it a second life. These machines and their components can be reused in whole or in part depending on their condition. They may be for the purpose of designing new computer equipment.

What IT components can be recycled?

Computer equipment in Quebec

Each computer hardware is designed using many recyclable components. These include, for example, hard drives, motherboards, PCI cards or processors. Here are some details about these recyclable components:


Known as AMD or Intel, processors form the heart of a computer. They are partly composed of gold, a precious metal visible at the brooches, connecting wires and reception beaches. Other materials like palladium, aluminum, copper, and silver also make up a processor.

The motherboard

This element plays a key role in the operation of a computer: it connects all the components together. The motherboard contains lead, a metal that is particularly harmful to health and the environment. It is therefore advisable not to throw this component anywhere. In addition, this computer component is also composed of gold, just like the processor and other computer components.

The PCI card

The PCI card or daughter card is the key element that connects all memory cards to the motherboard. It is therefore a significant element of the computer. This element of the computer can be reused on a mobile phone or other electronic devices. It is made partly of gold and aluminum.


RAM or memory strip is a data storage component of the computer. It can be recycled to recompose other computer equipment. It is possible to increase the capacity of a computer using an old memory strip.

The hard drive

All data stored in the computer is grouped together within the hard drive. A computer can have one or more hard drives (internal hard drive, external hard drive). The hard drive parts are virtually all recyclable. For example, its aluminum, ceramic or glass top can be used for other purposes. Ferromagnetic parts are concretely the data storage devices of the hard disk. Cobalt, nickel, iron oxide and many other harmful materials also make up the hard drive. They are all recyclable.

Other recyclable components

SSD, sound card, mobile phone, computer mouse, tablet, printer and other computer components are recyclable. Precious metals such as gold or other highly sought-after materials such as aluminum and copper can be recovered from these elements.

How does electronic recycling take place in Lachute?

Like Quebec recycling, electronic recycling in Lachute requires registration at an approved computer recycling facility. But before registering, it is necessary to sort its e-waste so that the treatment provided is adapted. In principle, the collected computer waste is dismantled. Then, each recyclable component is removed and used for other purposes.

If you live in Lachute, call info Liquidation to collect your e-waste. Our computer recycling company gets closer to you and helps you save the planet. Contribute to the preservation of the environment with a simple gesture: contact us!